- Crafting skills are hidden. There is no system telling the player when they have skilled up, it simply skills up in the background. The player might choose to make a shield with piercing protection, armor, and fire resistance. They would then place emphasis, for example the piercing protection is the most important, followed by the armor and the fire resistance. After they designed how they wanted the item to look and inscribed any runes or ancients words on it, the system would create their new item with the best stats it could, based on their specifications and their (hidden) skill level. Because the skills are hidden, the system can keep track of a lot more things. In the example above, the player would most of all improve at making shields and things that protect from piercing, but also at making things with added armor and fire resistance. This dynamic system encourages player creativity and design, without the repetition of most games.
- Players can take things from the world (volcanic rock that is still glowing hot) and use them to give further properties to their crafted items. These things can be mixed and matched.
- Players can take armor that has been looted from fallen foes and enhance it in any way they choose.
- They can also construct siege engines, once their race has discovered the technology for each one.
- Player crafters can decorate and emblazon armor however they wish with dyes. For example, a guild could commission one of their blacksmiths to create breastplates for all of them that are emblazoned with a Purple Sword of Might so that people can identify them from a distance. However, clearly these effects can be counterfeited, so beware!
- When crafting something, such as a sword, different parts are needed, such as blade, hilt, pommel, and wrap. Various parts can be more unique or well made than others- for example the blade could be made by a master craftsman and be nearly indestructible. The hilt could be normal made and needed to be frequently replaced.
- The three crafting values:
- Quality -This is determined upon crafting the item. The number is random between 0-100% depending on skill, the lower the quality, the faster condition and durability degenerates, also affects item effectiveness to a small degree.
- Condition - This is a value that degenerates when used out in the field in combat or other item wearing activities such as swimming in the ocean, this degenerates quickly with heavy use but can be repaired back to 100%.
- Durability - Durability is the effectiveness of the item, it always starts at 100% when an item is crafted for the first time. But degenerates with repairing and durability can never be raised once its been lowered.
- When an item reaches very low durability, it must be broken down into baser ingredients. Very high level crafted items are better than dropped items, with the exception of hellforge/etc. However, even these items can be modified by crafters to be better (and must be repaired by a crafter). For very rare items, very rare player repairers will have to be found, because players will specialize in certain types of repair. For example, a player who has a shield that wards off flames and is extra strong against blunt weapons will need to get repairs from a crafter who has made many shields-preferably ones that had protection against flames and/or against blunt weapons.
- Crafters are needed in every race to supply the frontline armies. Crafted items can be sold to players or given to the player’s race, to be used to equip future guardsman and soldiers.
- NPCs do not have an unlimited stock of items. They carry what is sold to them, and sell that around. However, merchants are scripted to search out certain items and resources.